Dear Friends of the Heart,
Is it time for you to truly ‘Master the Way’?
Do you know in your heart of hearts that there are greater depths for you to go to? Depths that just don’t happen through solo study, or attending occasional workshops?
Three years ago we were guided to start at the beginning of The Way of Mastery and to invite people to join us in a deepening journey, with a focus on embodying the practices in daily life. We knew we weren’t ‘mastering the Way’ and we wanted to go deeper.
We have just finished an amazing first cycle of this course, journeying through the whole of The Way of Mastery, and witnessing the growth and alchemy that has unfolded both for our participants and for us personally.
We are delighted to be opening our doors to new participants once again. It’s exciting to be starting at the beginning of a new spiral of The Way of the Heart…we know from experience what a transformative and enriching journey awaits us all.
The Way of Mastery requires a slow savouring, with a focus on truly living, breathing, and mastering the exercises and axioms…. one lesson a month. Yet this can be hard to sustain solo, and our blind spots and resistances often win through. The journey is so much more powerful and joyful when done with the support of a group energy field and insightful teaching to take you deeper.
The core of this Way of Mastery Online Deepening course is twice or thrice-monthly webcasts to open up and deepen the lessons (which you are responsible for reading or listening to in your own time.) This includes both a focus on the lessons themselves, plus channellings and transmissions from the Christ Lineage, and the opportunity to journey within an online community of lovers of the Way.
Sarita’s webcasts offer a skillful unpacking of the lesson, including the axioms and exercises, opening them to a greater depth than solo study is likely to generate. When relevant, she shares many other skillsets that aid the process of alchemy. Past topics have included nervous system and trauma healing; working with inner ‘parts’ (‘little selves’ in Jeshua’s language); learning how to hear the Voice of Spirit; and calling energy back from core beliefs. Some webcasts take the form of mini-workshops; all include inquiry, exercises, or meditations to explore the themes of the lesson.
Israel is a gifted facilitator and channel for Jeshua and the Lineage, and at their request he shares monthly channelling, attunements and energetic transmissions for the group, as well as his own insights and sharings.
This course is unique in offering this powerful contribution from the Lineage, along with a focus on mastering the lessons’ practices.
The practices are the cutting edge of transformation in Jeshua’s ‘Way’. We open them up in the first webcast each month, so that the whole month can be used to cultivate them in daily life. Many of these practices are ones that Jeshua was himself given by his Essene teachers.
What could be possible for you, this year, if you used time this way?
Is it time for you to focus on truly mastering the Way, more than you ever have before?
All are welcome, from total ‘newcomers’ to ‘old hands’.
Register here to begin your Way of Mastery Online Deepening.
New to all this? Click here to learn more about the The Way of Mastery.
What is The Way of Mastery Online Deepening?
- Experiential webcasts to open up the lessons, axioms and exercises in depth. Applying these to your daily life is the heart of the course. Webcasts are 2-3 times monthly on a Sunday at 8pm GMT / 9pm WET / 12 Noon Pacific / 3pm Eastern / 6am AET (on Monday) They are held on Zoom (similar to Skype) with dial up options for those without internet. Audio and video recordings are sent out afterwards and many people participate without attending live. The group energy field is palpable on the recordings.
- Channellings and attunements from Jeshua and the Lineage to support this deepening into the original ‘Way of Mastery’ material. These are the focus of Israel’s webcasts.
- Community: the priceless experience of friends of the heart journeying alongside you, sharing their own process and ups and downs. We have a private, highly supportive Facebook group in which to connect, share, and receive support. This element is optional – although it has been very popular- it’s a very non-preachy environment, and strong friendships form.
- Total transparency as teachers. We too are journeying through The Way of Mastery once more, experiencing our own deepening, and sharing our challenges and growth.
- Access to our entire archive of webcasts on The Way of Mastery. You can sign up and simply use our archive to accompany your own study, wherever you are right now in the WoM materials.
Or you can download it to your computer by clicking here! (the audio file will open in a new tab, OR you can just right-click the link and choose “Save link as…”)
(Any problems playing this, drop us a line )
Or simply sign up and begin your journey today.
Payment is ‘from zero to hero’ and you are free to cancel at any time.
Upcoming Event/s:
You, and spirit, have clarified many things…
“Thank you Sarita. What a wonderful session. You, and spirit, have clarified many things I have been questioning for years and answered them with simplicity ( go figure?). When the student is ready the teacher will arrive.”
I am moved even deeper and deeper…
“This channeling has moved and touched me so much that I’m half way through transcribing it while lingering at each word/phrase. I am moved even deeper and deeper into uncontrollable tears and a recognition and felt knowingness of the ‘WAY’.”
Thank you for the opening of my heart…
“Sarita, I cannot thank you enough. I do not have the appropriate words to thank you for the opening of my heart. I simply hope that you can “feel” the gratitude that I am dropping into the pool of awareness.”
Heartfelt thanks for that marvelous webcast…
“Heartfelt thanks for that marvelous webcast, so spontaneous, so truly helpful. One of the highlights was the guidance into feeling the Breath, and your gentle way of holding space for us. I love you two!”
I feel a deep joy arising in me…
“I’ve struggled a lot to make peace with my life, and am completely aware of the beauty and uniqueness of this course and group. I was so excited when I received the notification of Sarita’s webcast. I feel a deep joy arising in me, and I know it’s from studying Lesson One and all the deep, meaningful posts here. I’ve never, ever experienced a place where there was such openness and honesty.”
So thankful for your realness…
“That is surely the most vulnerable way any online course I have attended has ever been started. Kudos to you, Sarita and Israel! So thankful for your realness and offering this course in that Spirit.”
Sarita Premley

By the time Sarita was 33 she had changed her name in a ceremony at the Osho Ashram, given away all her possessions to emigrate with an enlightened guru, sold her Notting Hill apartment to set up a meditation centre in New Zealand that went bankrupt, and spent all her money on said guru. On the bright side she had at least begun to study A Course in Miracles.
By the time she met Jayem in 2007 she was a ‘good student’ of the Course and thoroughly in her head. Thankfully The Way of Mastery worked its magic, and her encounter with Jayem ignited a passion to facilitate this work, which culminated in Jeshua guiding Jayem to make her the first official PathWay teacher in 2008.
Since then she has taught various Palpable Forgiveness intensives with Jayem, birthed The Way of the Heart Festival & The Way of the Heart Gathering, and allayed her sense of feeling a fraud by going back to basics, taking an international group through the WoM lesson by lesson with Israel Elijah Joy, in The Way of Mastery Online Deepening.

Israel Elijah Joy